Save time and money with the process approach from Hendrik Veder Group

August 6, 2020

Save time and money with the process approach from Hendrik Veder Group

With over 450 years of experience in our field, Hendrik Veder Group adds value to your organisation and gives you peace of mind. We are at your service as the experts in smart, sustainable solutions for managing your hoisting, lifting and towing equipment. We save your organisation precious time and help you put sustainable methods into practice.

With Hendrik Veder Group at your side, our consultants serve as sparring partners for your engineers. To get even more out of working with us, let us get involved with your project early on. From the drawing board onwards, we help bring your project design to new heights with our expertise and hands-on experience. Our smart, practical solutions save your organisation time and money.

When it comes to lifting and towing, Hendrik Veder Group takes the entire process into account, from maintenance, refurbishment and services, to certifications and inventory management. Our integral process approach delivers clear added value by making your operations smarter and more efficient. Sometimes, that means using lower-cost cables. More often, your organisation can cut costs by saving time or adopting safer, more sustainable work practices.

At every step of a project, Hendrik Veder is the expert at adding value. When a project kicks off, we make sure you have the right products, supplied to the right place, at the right time. After the project is complete, Hendrik Veder Group takes care of disposal, recycling and even upcycling of your equipment. At all times, we ensure a compliant, sustainable and cost-effective approach.

‘From cable to shackle’

Hendrik Veder Group is currently exploring the possibilities of upcycling worn cables into premium products, such as shackles. This is the ultimate form of sustainability.

The Hendrik Veder service team offers you its full support and expertise in the field of lifting, hoisting and towing, no matter where in the world your job site is located. Our services cover the full life cycle of your equipment, including inspection and (re)certification, reeving and unreeving, crane and load testing, reconditioning and overhaul, lifeboat services, safety and sustainability.

At Hendrik Veder Group, safety is our top priority. Not only do we adhere strictly to all safety-related regulations and legal requirements, we go one step further. Each of our operations team members takes part in mandatory monthly Tagpoint training sessions in addition to their regular toolboxes. Developed by behavioural psychologists, Tagpoint is a training programme that raises employees’ awareness of risks in their working environment.

Bottom line:

We would like to start a discussion with you about how our expertise can lower your costs and make your operations more sustainable.

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